1-10 of 327 results

Leveraging technology to accelerate decarbonisation

Webinar: Leveraging technology to accelerate decarbonisation ...

Crypto-assets part one

Webinar: Crypto-assets part one ...

The global crypto-assets landscape

Webinar: Crypto-assets part two ...

Transforming legal services: how in-house teams and their law firms are creating value through technology and innovation

Webinar: Transforming legal services: how in-house teams and their law firms are creating value through technology and innovation ...

Digital horizons: harnessing the future of technology

Technology is driving a major transformation. The opportunities you seize and the risks you mitigate now will determine your business' future. ...

Practical guide for AI: ethical, safe, lawful

Webinar: Practical guide for AI: ethical, safe, lawful ...

Licensing emerging process technologies: modern approaches to risk allocation
Insight 08 Apr 2024

Licensing emerging technology is a tempting prospect when navigating decarbonisation and sustainability. We outline the risks of applying standard liability positions when licensing nascent technology; and provide some key risk mitigants for prospective licensees. ...

Patentability of computer-implemented inventions remains unclear
Insight 27 Mar 2024

In this Insight, we unpack Justice Burley's reasoning for the approach taken and consider where this latest judgment (Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited v Commissioner of Patents (No 3) [2024] FCA 212) leaves us on this topical issue. ...
