31-40 of 55 results
Spotlight: Cyber breach at Target
There's a joke in the cyber security industry that there are two types of companies: those that know they have been hacked, and those that haven't yet found out. In November 2013, Target Corporation in the US learned this the hard way when it was told by law enforcement agencies that it had been sub ...
Directors' duties and cyber resilience
The Target data breach brought the liability of boards and directors in relation to cyber resilience into focus. Target's shareholders brought litigation against all of its directors, the chief financial officer and the chief information officer due to what was perceived as recklessness and disregar ...
Incoming Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme
There is no current legal obligation under the Privacy Act to notify either the Privacy Commissioner or affected individuals where you suffer a data breach. However, mandatory data breach notification laws will take effect in Australia from 22 February 2018. ...
NSW to bolster cyber security
The NSW Government has recently announced a new $11.4 million investment to address emerging technology challenges including cyber security. ...
In the Know: Cyber vernacular
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has recently considered an early draft of a document defining a new 'cyber lexicon' at a roundtable hosted by Alastair MacGibbon, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on Cyber Security. The document, titled 'Words Matter: Australia's Cyber Security Lexic ...
OAIC concludes investigation of Australian Red Cross data breach
OAIC concludes investigation of Australian Red Cross data breach where a one-off human error by a third party provider's employee led to a massive data breach that hit the Australian Red Cross Blood Service ...
Allens advises Healthscope on sale of medical centres business
Allens has advised Healthscope Limited, one of Australia's leading private healthcare operators, on the sale of its Australian medical centres business to Fullerton Health, a leading provider of ...
ACCC's Enforcement and Compliance priorities for 2017
Criminal cartels unfair contract terms consumer guarantees and the health construction and agriculture sectors are some of the ACCCs key enforcement and compliance priorities for 2017 ACCC Chairman Rod Sims released the ACCCs 2017 Compliance and Enforcement Policy on Friday 24 February 2017 ...
Assessment of biosimilars - Is Australia leading, following or going its own way?
The ongoing lack of certainty about what is required to obtain biosimilar registration in Australia extends to three key issues - Comparability is the new product sufficiently similar to permit it to rely on the reference products safety and efficacy data Extrapolation for which of the indications ...
Protecting investment in biologic medicines - biological medicines, biosimilars and the challenges they pose
This series of articles is directed towards the part of biotech that is pharmaceutical rather than diagnostic or bioengineering technologies and in particular towards biologic medicines ...