31-40 of 86 results

Land access in WA: tenure options available to mining companies
Insight 13 Aug 2020

In Australia, mining companies are granted an authority, lease, licence or permit by the state or territory government under the relevant Mining Act to explore or develop mineral resources. ...

Accurate tenement expenditure recording under the Mining Act 1978 (WA): an update from the Warden's Court
Insight 13 Aug 2020

Recent proceedings before the Warden's Court of Western Australia have reinforced a long line of decisions and the nature of a tenement holder's obligations in tenement reporting; affirming the requirements for detailed and accurate reporting on expenditure, and emphasising the importance of ensuring tenement holders are truthful when reporting expenditure. The decisions are a timely reminder of the importance of adequately resourcing the compiling, calculating and reporting expenditure functions (and the need to keep detailed records to substantiate that expenditure), as failure to do so can ultimately lead to forfeiture of tenements. ...

State infrastructure post-COVID-19: what are WA's changing infrastructure needs?
Insight 13 Aug 2020

IWA was established in July 2019. It is tasked with preparing a 20-year strategy, refreshed every five years. The strategy will address social, economic and environmental infrastructure sectors (and cross-sector issues). ...

Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2020 (WA)
Insight 13 Aug 2020

A consultation draft Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2020 (WA) ( Bill ) was released to key industry stakeholders for comment around May 2020. The Bill, if adopted, wi ...

A decade of State Agreements in Western Australia: trends and predictions
Insight 13 Aug 2020

State Agreements have been described in Parliament as 'the cornerstone of [Western Australia's] resources sector, particularly the large sector'. Members of the WA Government in the past have asserted that Western Australia would not have projects like the extensive iron ore operations in the Pilbara, North West Shelf, Gorgon, Wheatstone and the DBNGP without State Agreements. ...

Independent review recommends fundamental reform of the 'archaic, ineffective' EPBC Act
Insight 11 Aug 2020

The Interim Report of the once-in-a-decade review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) has recommended major reforms, finding the EPBC Act to be archaic, ineffective and inefficient. ...

Independent review recommends fundamental reform of 'archaic, ineffective' EPBC Act
Insight 22 Jul 2020

Eight key recommendations you should be across from the Interim Report of the once-in-a-decade review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act). ...

Pilbara v Ammon: WA Court of Appeal considers the meaning of 'feasibility study' in the context of a joint venture agreement
Insight 08 Jul 2020

The recent decision of Pilbara Iron Ore Pty Ltd v Ammon will be of interest to anyone who deals with farm-in agreements or other resource sector agreements where one party agrees to commission a 'feasibility study'. ...

Workplace manslaughter: Victoria's new workplace crime
Insight 03 Jul 2020

Under Victoria's new offence of workplace manslaughter, if a corporation or officer (which can extend to senior managers) is negligent and that results in a fatality, there will be a risk of criminal prosecution. Individuals will risk a lengthy sentence of imprisonment. ...

Amendments to PNG Mining Act and Oil and Gas Act
Insight 18 Jun 2020

The Parliament of PNG has passed a series of amendments targeting the mining, oil and gas industries. We examine the significance of these amendments and the likely next steps.  ...

