1-10 of 43 results

Investing in WA – what are the land options for your renewable energy project?
Insight 25 Jul 2024

Western Australia's distinctive energy system presents unique challenges and opportunities for developers considering renewable energy projects in the state. Understanding the nuances in regulatory frameworks, land tenure arrangements and infrastructure development requirements is critical ...

New FIDIC practice note on DAABs
Insight 05 Feb 2024

A new practice note on dispute avoidance and adjudication boards (DAABs) was released by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) late last year. ...

Proposed changes to the security of payment regime in Victoria: watch this space
Insight 17 Jan 2024

Significant reforms are being considered to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 (Vic) reflecting the practice in other Australian jurisdictions. ...

Best practice approach to communications between principals and superintendents
Insight 21 Sep 2023

This Insight sets out practical tips on achieving best practice communications between principals and superintendents in order to avoid any perception of bias, and summarises recent case law on the consequences of failing to heed this guidance. ...

Understanding the 2023 Queensland Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap
Insight 24 Jul 2023

The Queensland Government has now released a draft Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap (REZ Roadmap) for consultation. The REZ Roadmap is open for consultation until 22 September 2023. In this Insight we provide details on the focus questions and explain how to submit your feedback. ...

Next step in delivering the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
Insight 29 Jun 2023

Following the release of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan in September 2022, the Queensland Government has revealed draft legislation—the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (Qld). This Insight explores the Draft Bill and identifies key details still to be provided. ...

The DBP Act duty of care – and what's next
Insight 22 Jun 2023

In this Insight, we explain the current duty of care regime and what to look out for in the future. ...

Dispute Resolution Boards: appointing DRB members and encouraging the diverse next generation of board members
Insight 09 Mar 2023

In this Insight, we discuss the contractual structure governing the appointment of DRB members, how members are usually appointed, and possible modifications to the appointment process to reduce barriers for new entrants and increase the diversity of candidate pools and, consequently, DRBs. ...

Construction project risk-management strategies in a challenging market
Insight 07 Dec 2022

Disputes will always be a key risk to be managed on major projects. Now, though, principals and contractors must also grapple with decades-high inflation rates and the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war. ...

